Monday, September 11, 2006

I love my job and emails I send my bosses

Dear gentlemen,

Who added that CAIR is, an organization that some have linked to terrorist organizations into my story Saturday on Somal and his family.

It should have read;

"The family's initial fear of reprisal was not unfounded, said Dawud Walid, executive director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washtington-based Islamic civil rights and advocacy group."

A link to the full story:

If Kaufman from was our source, well we have a problem. Saying that CAIR is a front for Islamic-terrorists or linked to said groups, I believe, is similar to saying the ADL or JUF, is "an organization that some have linked to a terrorist organization" because the organizations give money to Israel. (A country whose government many people, in the U.S. and abroad call a terrorist organization) A statement, I believe, is just as false as accusing CAIR of being a front for terrorists.
Not to mention, was it paramount to this story?
Also someone cut out the part from the Southern Poverty Law Center that explains why Walid made the statement that he did.
I offered to come in on Friday morning and continue working on this story? Why didn't anyone phone me? Why didn't anyone ask? I had my cell phone while I was "playing" Army.

Further more, when Ahmed Rehab, the executive director for the Chicago chapter of CAIR, said that the Muslim community is in a battle between perception and reality, he was talking about this moment right here.
Many of the terms which are used by the media because someone "official" uses them are in fact false: i.e. Islamofascists.
I agreed with Rehab when he said that the term, "Islamofascists" ( often used by our fearless leader) is inaccurate on two accounts.
One it lets one percent of the world's Muslims define Islam for the other 99.9 percent of the world's Muslim community. And two Webster defines fascism as "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"[3]. Which precludes the people in question would have to have a country at most; a dictatorial leader at least.

Just because our President or some Jewish-schmuck thinks that CAIR is a "terrorist" organization doesn't mean that it is true. In fact, I believe, it's our job not to perpetuate untruths. You're killing me. Oy, already!

I'm sure we'll talk about this some more soon. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I think editors tend to forget that we have bylines and thus are the ones made to look not so smart in public by things like this.

Seriously, I'm sure I can find someone on the Internet to say the Shriners have Bin Laden in their side cars. Or, possibly, your next story to mention the president will be edited to include the line, "President Bush, a politician some have linked to being the Prince of Lies and Lord of High Places and emitting a stench of sulfur, said..."

Take it easy,
Dan Pepper

P.s.- I got my devil descriptions from "The Stand," I think.