Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year

Posting from the lovely and beautious Anne's in Logan Square in Chi-town on New Year's Eve.

Here I sit in my beautiful party dress
My life an utter mess
But as the clock ticks down by frown flips upside down
Because I get to start all over again - literally

(Let's hope this year I don't fuck it up so badly)

Ground rules for new year:
First - No more dating men who are nice enought to pack all my stuff up for me (while I'm away on active duty playing Army) making me homeless on Christmas.

Second - "No more Mister nice guy." The gloves are off and I'm going to do some serious smack-down in 2007 (ya, we all know that's a pipe dream, ha. I'm just not capable of being mean this is why men pack all my stuff and make me homeless on Christmas. What in the hell is wrong with me?)

Ok, the list not going so well.

I need another drink ...

(One martini later)

Ok. So, I guess the real spiele is I just need to be more careful who I go giving my stuff, like my heart and all, to. This is the lesson I'd be learning if we were in some fable or something, right? Thank goodness I decided to take the first two weeks of the year off - at least I'll have some time to cry like a small child (done), lick my wounds (doing - nice visual) and figure out where I go from here (I'll tackel that tomorrow, maybe).

Let's all hope the next year is a little easier to navigate.

Happy New Year.

Friday, December 22, 2006

In Michigan

I made it back to Michigan safe - only a little rain and a few antique shops to slow me down. Now it's back to work - there are stories to be written on last minutes shopping, on Christamas Day postal deliveries, and babies who will always get Christmas presents on their birthday.
Thank you to everyone who helped me get through this last six weeks. I love you all. Have a wonderful Holiday.
OX Olivia

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Geek bait

Well, I graduated from the Digital Mutlimedia Course at Fort Meade, Maryland yesterday (I made honor graduate!) and am now hold up at a Hampton Inn & Suites in Fremont, Ohio. Tomorrow I will check out the Rutherford B. Hayes Center. Why not? I'm here.
If you'd like to learn more about our 19th president check out this website:

It was odd as I drove down West 70 this morning I realized - I missed them. After spending an intense six weeks with my 11 fellow students and the instructors of the Digital Multimedia Course I missed not seeing them this morning. I missed their quirks, their odd expressions, their voices and their familiarity.
By now many of them are home for the holidays, some like me are still on their journey, all of us are changed forever. It's odd how each person you meet leaves an impression on you - sometimes revealing aspects of yourself that you appreciate or not. Regardless, all one can hope for is to learn from the expereince. I learned a lot about myself and about design.
I loved the course, I can't wait to start using some of the new tools in both my personal and professional toolboxes.